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Why work for us
Junior Colleges aims to be the ultimate national Pre-School Group that provides the opportunity to develop children to their full potential through love and respect in a caring, nurturing and safe environment
Catering for children ages 3 months - Grade 0
Our Ethos
We believe in meaningful, happy learning experiences that create a sound foundation for future education. At our schools, we aim to develop and nurture children so that they will venture from our schools as positive and secure little individuals, who are able to face the future with confidence.
About our schools
Extracurricular Activities
Junior Colleges offers a wide range of extracurricular activities for your child to choose from.
We believe in play-based learning so even when your child is not out on the playground they are always having fun.
Physical Activity
Gross motor classes happen once a week and are included in the school fees.
Our schools practise the ISASA Curriculum